Jorge Luiz Fabbro da Silva

PhD in Archeology at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of Sao Paulo (MAE-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil), where, under the advice of Professor Maria Cristina Kormikiari Passos, defended the Doctoral Thesis titled "Archaeology and Semiotics of Space of the Temples of Judah in their Levantine Context" (2018). Master of Arts, with concentration in Syro-Palestinian Archeology, Semitic Languages and Literature, at Andrews University (AU, Michigan, USA), where, under the guidance of Professor J. Bjørnar Storfjell, defended the Master’s Thesis entitled "The Implications of the Arad Temple for the Question of Dating P" (1992), whose research project won first place in the Research Fellowship Award contest, held by the School of Graduate Studies, Andrews University (1991). Bachelor in Law (2008), at the University of Santo Amaro (UNISA, Sao Paulo, Brazil), and Bachelor in Theology (1977), at Latin American Theological Seminary (SALT-IAE, Sao Paulo, Brazil). He has also participated in the archaeological excavations of Tel Dor (2005), Tel Megiddo (2006) and Khirbet Qeiyafa (2013), Israel.
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