regina helena rezende

PhD in Archaeology (2013), graduated in Architecture from Mackenzie University (1996), has a BA Degree in History from the University of São Paulo (2003/2002) and an Master's degree in Archaeology from the University of São Paulo (2006). She was a fellow of technical training (FAPESP) of Labeca, MAE-USP from 2007 to 2009 and a doctoral scholarship by FAPESP between 2009 and 2012. Has experience in the field of Archaeology, History and Architecture, with an emphasis on Classical Archaeology, acting on the following themes: classical archeology, ancient history, architectural history, Greek sanctuaries, late antiquity and archeology of the landscape.
Curriculum Lattes
The sanctuaries in Western Greek apoikias: physical organisation and insertion of worship structures in the landscape.
Advisor: Profa. Dra. Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano.
PHD Thesis