Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano

Full professor and former director of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of USP. PhD in Classical Archaeology. Research has been aimed on the following subjects: the areas of economic activity in the Greek world, the role of money in the ancient world, and on Greek monetary iconography. Professor of undergraduate and graduate studies at MAE-USP. General coordinator and main researcher at Labeca.
Curriculum Lattes
Greek mobility in the Ancient Mediterranean
City-chora integration: the nature of the Greek polis.
Large lots and small lots: the allocation of land in ancient Greece.
FLORENZANO, M. B. B. Péricles, o Pártenon e a construção da cidadania na Atenas Clássica. (.pdf)
FLORENZANO, M. B. B. Pólis e oikos, o público e privado na Grécia Antiga. (.pdf)